Sun King Landscape Services Limited is committed to providing quality solar projects to meet your unique needs. Our solar engineering has a comprehensive process. We first conduct a detailed inspection of your site, taking into account factors such as location, sunlight conditions, and energy needs. A customized solar system designed by Xinjing Horticulture can achieve maximum energy production and efficiency.
The “Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff” scheme is a policy measure introduced by the Hong Kong government in May 2018 to promote the development of renewable energy and increase its proportion in energy supply. The program encourages individuals and private institutions to install renewable energy systems (such as solar power systems) and inject the electricity they generate into the grid while enjoying higher feed-in tariffs.
Solar panels receive sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) energy.
DC electricity goes into the inverter, which converts it into alternating current (AC) energy.
The converted alternating current can be connected directly to the grid.
The electricity generated by the power generation system can be supplied to your home or workplace to meet your electricity needs.
Electric utilities install meters to measure the current generated and energy consumed by solar systems.
According to the "Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff" plan, the power company will buy back the solar power generated from you based on the feed-in tariff.
The power company performs settlements every two months and reflects the amount of your electricity purchase on your electricity bill.
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